
I Also Fight Like Seven Hundred

Frank tagged me, which is nice. He also apologized for doing so, which is even nicer. So, without further ado, I'll drop seven nuggets of knowledge on you:

1) I once rigged a White Sox ticket sweepstakes at my local Jewel (or "the Jewel" as some people inexplicably say). In direct violation of the "one per person" rule, I filled out all the remaining entries in the top tear pad. In direct violation of (I'm sure) some other rule, I stole the remaining tear pad. Oddly, I won. Even more oddly, I now work in promotions, often on... sweepstakes.

2) I designed the pre-Sesquicentennial logo for my hometown of Elmhurst, IL. I was prolly eleven, I not exactly a designer, and I was apparently not a photographer as I never got a picture taken of myself with the "149 and Counting..." banner that spanned the length of a bridge – despite it being up for a year.

3) When asked to create a team name for a six-person group project in college, I presented the name "Six Pack," unaware that "Six Pack" was the example given in the textbook to explain the exercise... as I hadn't bought the book, opting to skim sections in the university library when it seemed appropriate.

4) I had a catch with my dad on the Field of Dreams.

5) As a college intern, I asked Kristy Swanson to my office Christmas party, only be rejected by her publicist because she was currently dating Chad Lowe. Whose ass I prolly could've kicked if need be.

6) I spent last summer watching all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, all 5 seasons of Angel, the first 2 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, the mini-series and first 2 seasons of Battlestar Galactica and the entire series of Kitchen Confidential.

7) In office softball leagues, I regularly played second base in a pair of baseball pants worn by former White Sox hurler Rich Dotson.


Moderator said...

Rich Dotson??? Cool!

Geo said...

I only wear cool people's pants.