An unexpected bonus of blogging has been reconnecting with a bunch of friends, so I'll definitely still hang around and comment. While life has taken some turns that take me away from the keyboard more, I'm still interested in posting – but I'm toying with what to post. I don't want to just do daily updates, as there are a million of those, and it'd be mostly filled with rants about working in the ass end of advertising – even I'm not interested in that.
So I turn it over to you, my (few but loyal) readers. Should I blog about...
...nothing, just abandoning the whole deal
...the same basic stuff, 60 word reviews of movies and tv, expecting things to pick up more around the fall season
...reviews of anything and everything, from comics I read to what I had for lunch
...ponies and unicorns (please don't vote for this ;)
I think you should review, in great detail, your lunch everyday for a year. I would read it. There are a few other "well known" blogs that do kind of the same thing and they're kind of funny in how mundane they are. But it's a bit of a tightrope, I'd imagine.
Setting specific subject guidelines for yourself probably leads to better writing. That said, I would not restrict yourself and instead explore all your mind might dwell on.
Either way, I'm really just here for the chicks, man.
You write it, I'll read it. Whatever it is.
I like the idea of reviews of anything and everything.
Particularly comic books, new magazines, electronic devices, and novels.
You could do the occasional scathing review of other peoples blog entry's ala Mr. Black.
Just to let the world know again. Because of "Say it Ain't So, Geo" I discovered Thirty Rock.
"...reviews of anything and everything, from comics I read to what I had for lunch..."
I really like Grant's idea...but that would be a special daily category in addition to other reviews.
and I'm with Chris...I'll read whatever you write.
p.s. I like the word "blogundrum"
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