
So-So pranos

After successfully avoiding getting spoiled on Monday, I hunkered down to watch the Sopranos series finale last night. Funny story – right at the end of the episode, while Meadow was parking and Creepy Guy went to the bathroom, the DVR recording ran out early. Thinking I missed some shocking revelations, I dialed it up on On Demand, fast forwarded to the end and – less funny story – didn't miss a thing. I realize this isn't news at this point, but thought I'd share my views.

Overall, eh. Maybe even feh. I wasn't surprised that it didn't end with a
bloodbath or 80s style freeze frame, but it was still pretty annoying. Yet typical. From the 18+ month breaks between reduced-episode seasons to the excruciating explorations of less-than-secondary characters to satisfy the creators' whims, the show unfortunately evolved from a brilliant, breakthrough take on a tired genre to a self-important exercise in indulgence.

The series slid so far off the rails, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but even the things it used to do well were botched – Phil getting his head shot and then crushed by a car full of babies while random onlookers laugh and vomit is smacks more of
Naked Gun than Sopranos.

And it ended that way. I guess I get the point, that they've made it thru their immediate trials, but their life will always be a series of looking over your shoulder moments, but it felt so inconsequential that it's hard to get invested in it. When a show thumbs its nose at you, trying to flaunt its supposed superiority, it better deliver. And this was a few peppers short of a
Satriale's sandwich.

For those in search of closure:


Frank Sirmarco said...

Couldn't agree more.

Well played, sir!

Unknown said...

Left open ended for a possible movie?

Valerie said...

I never got into the Sopranos. I have no regrets.

on a diff't note, I just put several entries on my Cringe blog. Very cringe-worthy.

I can't believe you put a link to it on your blog!

Geo said...

Frank: Thanks. My feelings for it haven't improved over time, altho I've had a handful of conversations with people who thought it brilliant.

Dave: Supposedly not, but they said they'd never make the Sex and the City movie either. Or Die Hard 4.

Valerie: As it turned out, you didn't miss much. And love Cringe. Fascinating.