
Punch-drunk Love

Theme of the night seemed to be "dealing with issues through violence." Read on for my Mile-a-Minute take on a hit-and-hit Tuesday.
Veronica Mars: OK conclusion to the campus rape case. Altho it provide a bravura revenge moment for Logan, I’d love to see these things wrap up without resorting to putting Veronica in peril. And in peril from pretty minor characters, to boot. Next up – who shot Ed Begley, JR? Hard to imagine, but that sentence does actually refer to an unfortunate event.
Friday Night Lights: Was Friday Night Fights again, as Saracen and Smash almost went at it, we finally got Riggins vs. Riggins, and Street came out swinging in Murderball and took on Herc, Lyla plus Riggins (tough week). It’s always good, but this ep was kinda mixed – great date stuff, but the steroid subplot feels a bit been there.

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