Two relics of that era, Optimus Prime and John McClane have bashed their way back onto the big screen – how do they hold up?

I used to consider myself a shameless Michael Bay fan, but over time I've realized that it really means I just liked Armageddeon. He puts big robots on the screen pretty well in this one, but everything else is a disaster. The plot has holes you could drive an Optimus Prime-size semi thru, most of the performances (particularly Jons Voight and Tuturro) are abysmal, and the pacing drags on and on. At some point, someone will rip the fight scenes off the DVD – that's worth a watch, but otherwise... not so much.

But here's the thing – part four is fun. McClane has aged well, and they've acknowledged the fact that he's not twenty years younger. Justin Long as the hapazard associate is funny without being Richard Pryor in Superman III. The (mostly practical) stunts are spectacular, even tho they start to strain credibility pretty quickly. For sequels like these, much of their job is just to not piss all over the franchise, and never fear – this isn't Blues Brothers 2000 or Phantom Menace. It's a solid shot of old-school adrenaline that's definitely worth a watch.
I had thought about taking the boys to see Transformers and then saw that it's nearly 2-1/2 hours long...which is long for a non-kid friendly movie, I think. So we'll be waiting until that one comes out on DVD (hopefully on Blu-Ray).
I'm looking forward to seeing the last Die Hard and hope to make it to the theater.
It's all of 2 1/2 hours... seems even longer. And a decent chunk of that is spent ogling Megan Fox's tautly glistening abs.
FYI: There is or was a guy named "Optimus Prime" running for president.
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