I suppose I’d do better actually cooking healthy meals for myself, but that ain’t gonna happen. I also suppose that I’m upping my salt intake rather dramatically, but whatev – I’ll start drinking more water. The larger concern is are these even edible?
We’ll see. Given that I’m loosening the reviewer’s shackles a bit with this blog, here’s the first installment of a (potentially) recurring segment...
Dining with Mr. Freeze
Vol. I: Healthy Choice Café Steamers: Cajun Chicken and Shrimp

Which is not as dirty as it sounds.
Anyway, the chicken didn’t turn to rubber and the shrimp actually cooked thru, so bonus points for both. To top it off (or bottom it, I guess) the sauce featured… flavor! So overall:
Recipe Realization: Good. Sometimes these things suffer from Airplane Food Syndrome (this was when they served food), where instead of just giving you a halfway decent sandwich, they try to microwave haute cuisine at 35,000 feet. But this tasted like the entrée’s title.
Filling Rating: Solid. Ate it while catching up on a bunch of friends’ blogs and didn’t feel like immediately running to the vending machine.
So Mr. Freeze says yes. What do you say? I'm conceivably eating a fairly large handful of these a week, so lemme know if you want to hear more about the aforementioned Cafe Steamers, Lean Cuisine's Paninis and Dinnertime Selects, Smart Ones and more.
Welcome to the two buck club. I hope your stay is short but enjoyable.
BTW, you'll be in a tux, so don't worry about buying a kick ass suit (unless you just want to buy a kick ass suit for practical purposes).
I think if they called them Cleveland Steamers, I might give 'em a shot. That's 'cause I'm a sick fuck.
Frank: Good to know, altho I need some suit action anyway. I recently purged the older ones, and I'm left with basically one black summer suit.
Chris: I'm sure you can make that happen, altho I dunno if you'll need the microwave. Maybe a bowl, tho.
Phil: Mission accomplished.
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