
60 = 14:59

Studio 60 is flailing, and it's not just because they stuck Nate Corddry in a lobster suit for most of the last episode. The show's got lighting like West Wing, a setting like SportsNight, the walk-and-talks of both, but the emotion of neither. It's a bit like Entourage at this point – fun and sizzly, but without much at stake.

SportsNight's short, great run was all about saving the show; Matt & Danny did it in one episode. Apparently just by showing up. Life at the poorly-named NBS network suffers some small hiccups, but everything's fine when big green clock ticks down to showtime.

And speaking of showtime, is the actual Studio 60 show-within-the-show supposed to be good? Because it's not. The pilot centered around needing a cold open to relaunch the show... and they resorted to a song and dance number, a crutch SNL's leaned on for years. It's possible that Studio is criticizing while it's celebrating, but at the pace people keep saying "great show!" I doubt it.

It's still worth watching, with its flashy cast and Sorkin-speak, but Studio 60 needs some saving... just like, well, Studio 60 did.


Frank Sirmarco said...

Liked the musical number in the pilot a lot, but I have the same problem with the other sketches. Not particularly funny.

That being said, I still think 60 is better than 75% of the offerings on network TV.

By the way, I linked you on the Sirmarco Letters.


Geo said...

Was gonna say that clearly you don't watch enough network TV, but forgot about the fact that most of it consists of Two and a Half Men and a million shows like it. As for hourlong dramas, tho – I dunno.

And thanks.

Valerie said...

I'm "hiding" this comment back here in an old post, where it most likely won't be seen by the public.

But you've got my curiosity peaked...what would've been your question on my new blog if I hadn't written "keep it clean"?

feel free to email me at valeriemunz@yahoo.com if you prefer.