
Will there be Shriners in Go-Karts?

Given that I'm still in the intro stage of this blog, I'm going to come clean about something – unlike many of my friends, I have little to no musical taste. With that, I proudly state that I would like to join The Black Parade. Except for, as far as I can tell, I'd be dead.

Actually, the video doesn't do a great sell job on joining The Black Parade. Some of it has a fun Corpse Bride meets Dia De Los Muertos vibe, the rest leans more toward a heroin torture chic.

Anyway, it's prolly not a great song. It may not even be a good song. But given my predilection for power pop, it's been playing for four straight hours on my desktop and I'm not quite sick of it yet. Though I bet the guy who works next to me is. Particularly because I was meeting in a conference room for about 3 and a half of those hours.

Regardless, if I need one this Halloween, I've found my costume. See you in Hell.

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