Monday Night Fights
Lotsa damage inflicted tonight – physical, emotional and supernatural. Here's my Mile-a-Minute Comments take on it, in 60 words or so per show...
Prison Break: Give it credit for not succumbing Who Killed Laura Palmer Syndrome. Shows hung on one central mystery tend to die when said mystery is solved, (see: Twin Peaks). But being on the run from Fox River prison is proving as exciting as trying to break out of it. Bonus points for killing off major characters, too – keeps the stakes high.
Heroes: While most new shows are finding their rhythm by this point in the season, Heroes is surprisingly well paced. Just like its comic inspirations, each ep has a nice tight plot, a bit of overall arc, and a Stan Lee-level cliffhanger. Terrific one this week, although we probably haven’t seen the last of Bad Niki, given the whole space-time-continuum-bending thing.
Friday Night Lights: See? I told you they couldn’t lose, what with the clear eyes, full hearts and all. Or it may be that the star fullback is sleeping with his paralyzed best friend’s girlfriend. Hard to say. Anyway, hoping this special Monday Night Football edition pulled better ratings before this show goes the way of Studio 60.
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